Why We Love to Eat and Drink Outside | the Timeless Pleasure of Al Fresco Dining There’s something magical about eating and drinking outdoors. The simple joy of a summer BBQ, the romance of a French Impressionist picnic, or the refined experience of a cocktail on a dusky garden terrace, dining outside stirs something deep within us.
You don't have to go quite as far as a dj to add a something extra to your evening....but dressing for the occasion has never been more relevant, or more fun!
For many Romans, the first time they heard of Vespasian was when he took a little Roman Legion over to the furthest flung outpost in the furthest flung colony in the growing Empire, under the Emperor Claudius...
Every bedroom tells a story, grounded in British history and it's reliance on trade. For better or worse - read on to find out what built Georgian Exeter!